Monday, February 7, 2011

Japan - Kiyomizu Temple & Osaka Castle

On Monday of my trip, Jill and I had a busy day of sightseeing in Kyoto and Osaka. Mikey was oh-so-kind to watch the kids so Jill and I were flying solo in the streets of Japan! And guess what!! We didn't get lost once!! We got on all of the right trains and found all of our destinations with ease!! We're pretty smart chicas!! 

Our first stop of the day was Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto.  Mayu, one of Jill's friend, suggested this place to us and told us it was her favorite place to see in Kyoto. It was definitely a pretty sight to see and there were lots of neat shops and things around there. Jill and I got there pretty early for tourist standards, and by the time we left, it was getting pretty crowded. The grounds are quite large though, so it didn't feel too crowded. It's definitely a major sight for tourists though...I haven't seen that many foreigners in a while!! Anyways, lets get to the pictures!

From the bus stop, you have to walk up a pretty long hill...some people opt for the man-pulled carriage. That guy must be super strong!

Jill with the starting buildings at Kiyomizu!

A great picture by Jill!! I love this picture!

I really love the colors of the temples, and the clouds were amazing that day!

Another building on the temple grounds

Buy a board, make a wish. There were a few in English mostly asking for good health for their families.

Jill and me at Kiyomizu

Jill with the main building on the temple grounds

Some special springs that people lined up to drink from...Jill & I didn't!

Outside of the temple, this man was standing with a bowl for money...not quite sure of all of the details!

After exploring Kiyomizu, Jill and I took an interesting train ride to Osaka to visit Osaka Castle. A person on the train approached Jill and asked her to be the person's best friend. It was a little creepy, so Jill and I changed train cars as soon as we could!! I applaude the person's courage but it was a little on the creepy side. At least it provided a good laugh for us!

Outside of Osaka Castle

Inside of the castle, they had some costumes that you could pay to try on. Of course, we just had to do it and it was quite humorous! Jill looked awesome in her costume!

Outside of the castle, there were some more great photo ops!! Little did I know that I was putting my head in the man's body!! Haha!

Love this one of Jill & me!!

The sun was setting when we were leaving and it cast a nice glow on the castle!

That concludes our day...more pictures to come soon!

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