Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Co-Teaching in Korea - EPIK Elementary School

Lots of people ask me the same question when I talk about teaching English in Korea..."How can you teach them English if you don't speak Korea?" Well, the answer to that is easy...I have a co-teacher! When I worked at a hagwon a couple of years ago, my days were filled with lots of charades and picture drawing to get my point across. Not anymore!! These days at the public school, I work alongside a Korean co-teacher who can easy let the students know just what I'm talking about. I love it! And I'd definitely say it's a perk to working at a public school (vs. hagwon).

A couple of weeks ago, one of my co-teachers (Minie) and I did a video class together. The video was posted on our school website and now I'm sharing it with you! You can click here to get a glimpse of what it's like teaching in Korean public elementary schools.

And to keep this blog from looking too boring, here are a couple pictures I snapped on my cell phone today between classes! These kids make me happy!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers

My walkway to the bus stop is lined with these beautiful flowers!! They make me smile and my day bright!!

Brazilian Rooftop BBQ

Last week, Danielle, Liz, and I headed to Geoje to meet up with a few of Danielle's friends for a rooftop bar-b-que. Most of them were from Brazil and all of them work for a ship company based in Geoje. It was so interesting talking to them about their travels and their work and everything in between. I had lots of fun and had some amazing food!! Here are a few pictures from the night:

Danielle and Liz don't eat meat, so the guys got them some huge salads to enjoy!

The girls!

The awesome grillmasters!! They did a stinking good job!

The food!! I hadn't had such good food in a loooong time!!

Newton taught Danielle some Brazilian dance moves.

The super cute cake we got for Newton's going away party.

Danielle with our hosts, Marcelo and Newton....such nice guys!

It was a fun night and a really good experience! I can't wait to do it again!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cultural Difference - Skin Color

Living in Korea definitely allows me to see things in a different light and understand things from other people's points-of-view. While I take being in Korea for granted sometimes, I figure it's about time to share some of the differences with you!

Lately, the sun has been bearing down on the Korean peninsula, and while folks back home in the States would be excited for beach season and beautiful tans, the Korean population has strapped on their visors and rubbed in their sunscreen to avoid the sun at all costs!

Now, I've never been big on tanning since my skin goes from white to red with no in-between, but I am obviously aware of the fact that in the US, tan is appealing. Overall as a country, we're pretty obsessed with tanning and having golden brown skin. Some people obtain this beauty through the sun, others in tanning beds, while others resort to darkening lotions.

However, in Korea, tan is not considered beautiful. It's white skin that Koreans love. Most of the Koreans that I know wear sunscreen every day, wear long sleeve shirts even in the hot months to avoid the sun, and wear gigantic visors to protect their skin from the sun. It's all very "Michael Jackson" to see! These days, it's also really common for women to use whitening cream to help their skin become lighter.

Of course, as a result, in Korea, women that are 50 look like they're still 30. Wrinkles aren't so common in Korea as in the States and the women here look so young! It's always really hard to estimate a Korean's age, in my opinion!

This isn't a blog to put down either culture, it's simply a blog to let you know about other ways of thinking in the world. It's so interesting to me as I travel and meet folks from around the world just how different we all are. Things that I never considered "American culture" are presenting themselves to me in that way. I love learning about other cultures around the world and seeing how they are alike and different! 

Even with all of the tanning and whitening, I think it still comes down to the old adage...You always want what you don't have. Whether its Caucasian Americans viewing Koreans golden brown skin as beautiful or Koreans seeing the white skin of Caucasians as admirable, people crave things that they don't have. As for me, I will be happy with my white/red skin and continue to enjoy the compliments about my skin from Koreans while I'm here!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hadong Tea Festival

This post is a little late, but like they say, better late than never!! A couple of weekends ago (May 7, to be exact), I met up with some of my EPIK friends for the Hadong Tea Festival. This wasn't my first festival, but it was quite different than the ones I have been to in the past. It was really far into the country and very 'nature-y'. The adjacent river provided a nice backdrop for the activites and the day overall was pretty relaxing! The weather was quite beautiful as well, making the day really wonderful!

Getting to the festival was quite a task. A fellow Tongyeonger (Liz) and I took a bus from Tongyeong to Jinju, where we met up with everyone else. From there, we took another bus to Hadong. And once we got there, it was another ~30 minute taxi ride to the festival. Thank goodness we could all share the fare because it was about 30,000 won! Liz and I started our traveling at 8am and made it to the festival around noon. Quite a lot of traveling, but finally we made it and could enjoy the day!

Here are some pictures from our day at the Hadong Tea Festival!

The river next to the festival

The awesome free visors they gave us to protect us from the sun!

There were tons of these ladies in hanboks (traditional Korean dresses) serving tea for people to sample.

This has got to be the prettiest array of snacks I've seen!

The organizer of the gathering among our friends...Mick! He's an English lad so I'm pretty sure this tea festival was right up his alley!

A giant tea pot and cup

There were a few performances throughout the day...this men's group was the main one.

Some of our friends trying the tea.

After all of that tea, I'm still no expert on the drink...but I'm one step closer!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday on Jishim Island

Since my camera is broken at the moment (sad, I know!), I did a little video about my day at Jishimdo with Danielle. Take a look!