Thursday, August 21, 2008

Remembering Sunday!

Sorry that it's been a few days...just haven't been in the blogging mood the last few days. But I'm good now so I'll fill you in on what's been going on.

Sunday, Kami and I went to visit what has been dubbed the "Creepy Tower" and "Prague's Eyesore"...official name the TV Tower. It's really tall and sticks up all over Prague. Apparently the citizens of Prague don't really like it and want it to be take down, but we enjoyed it while it is still here! At the tower, you can take an elevator to an observation level to get a nice view of the city and to a different level to dine (we didn't do that one). Here's the tower:

Apparently some guy (artist type) thought it'd be cool to put some babies crawling up and down the tower...a little creepy if you ask me. You can see them from afar on the above picture and I am providing a close-up just incase you don't believe me that they are babies. It's really creepy...this is why it has been dubbed the 'Creepy Tower'...but I guess it gives the people something to talk about!

So on the observation leven, there are like five rooms where you can go and look at all the different views of Prague. I'm not really sure what is in the background of this picture of the city, but it gives you a feel of what it was like. I'm posting more pics on my photo site, but this blog thing isn't really cooperative with the picture uploading.

Since then, we've just been busy with class and more class. I gave my second lesson today in front of my classmates and I think it went really well. I taught about homophones (to/too/two, etc) and it was fun. Just a little over a week left of crazy to think we're almost done! I think Kami and I are sending out our CV's (the European version of a resume) tonight, so maybe we'll get a little idea of where we're heading soon. I'll update you when I have an idea...hopefully soon ;)!!

Besides that...I think Kami and I might be going to the opera this weekend...hope so anyways. I think it'd be quite fun. There is an Italian opera on tour here, so even the Czech people won't understand..ha. This weekend, I'm planning to devote a great deal of time to studying, considering we have a massive final next Friday. Whoop!

I think that is all for now. Goodnight.

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