Thursday, December 25, 2008
I'm all packed and heading out the door in 5 minutes for my winter vacation! I can't wait!! I won't be taking my computer (shocking I know) but I should have some access to computers all over Seoul.
I hope you have a blessed day and a happy holiday season! Blog with you in about a week!
Much love!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Changwon and Hike #2
They took us out to breakfast after our hike. They don't do the whole eggs and bacon's more like a lunch or dinner. Different but still yummy!
So that was my weekend in pictures. It was a good one! Everything is still really new so it's always an adventure! Until next time...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Getting in the Holiday Spirit
Monday, December 8, 2008
Fun Weekend Times
Unbar took a liking to me...well, being ornery towards me anyways. Ha. Kami says this is our showdown pic!
This is our directors' daughter Ruby. She really is precious...the smartest 7-year-old I know. Kami kept telling her to smile, so this is the face she ended up making...such a ham.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Korean Hike #1
After the park, we saw another way that looked more promising that the first way. It turned out to be a good way, and after many hours of walking and hiking and getting lost...we finally made it to the lookout point we first set out for!!! I was so excited!!! :)
Here are some more shots from atop the mountain! It was quite a view!!
After we came down the mountain, we were quite pooped after our long journey.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving...Korean Style!
Since Thanksgiving celebrates America, the Koreans didn't celebrate. I know, shocker. Haha. I did take the liberty of sharing with all of my students that it was Thankgiving in America and even let some of them say what they were thankful for! It was quite fun!! Since Kami and I are the only Americans at our school, we also got to share the holiday with our co-workers. Our boss lady was even so kind and got us fried chicken during one of our breaks so we could celebrate. That was so sweet. All of the teachers definitely liked Thanksgiving after that!!
Today we did have an official Thanksgiving celebration! Our group of English teachers (mostly Americans, a couple Canadians) got together for a Thanksgiving feast! It was quite enjoyable! There were many people there, beyond the Tongyeong English teachers. There was a French couple and two teachers from Busan and a guy from California that is traveling Asia. Kami and I made mashed potatoes for the celebration and I think everyone liked them!! I mean, who doesn't like mashed 'tators!! It was quite a fun day. Here are a few pics by Kami....she's the resident photographer!
I think Kami and I might be going to Seoul for Christmas break with our friend, Amy. We get about 8 days off I think, so we're going to try to explore Seoul for a good part of it. I think it'll be a great way to spend the holidays. I can't wait!!
I think that is all for now! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break! Miss you!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Our First Visitor!!!
In other news, my second week of school was a good one. I really love the kids...they are just so precious. I've enjoyed getting to know my co-workers and the other English teachers in town. I'm enjoying having my own apartment now and really feeling like I'm settled finally. I'm really happy here and think it's going to be a great year!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Day!!! :)
Here is the pretty sunset we witnessed while at the get-together. It was really amazing.
So besides our fun day with the Korean families, here are a couple other pictures from the past few days. This has become my favorite meal here. It's tuna kim bop...a roll with tuna, egg, spinach, and lots of other stuff that tastes yummy!! It's less than $2 bucks and it's amazing!!!
On our way to Lotte Mart (just like Wally World), we saw a stone that reminded us of Texas!!
That's all for now. I'll update more later! Miss you all! :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
I Survived!!
The first week teaching was a good one. The kids are just so adorable and they are so smart! Don't get me wrong, there are still some kids that are 'naughty' (they use that word a lot here) but overall they are just precious! This week was our intro week so we only had about three classes a day, but next week we start in full speed ahead with 6-7 classes a day! Yikes!!
I should be moving to my own apartment Monday night or Tuesday and then Kami and I can both really start getting settled into our new homes. I should have internet regularly then too so I can call some of you...don't worry, I haven't forgotten you!
I think Kami and I are going to visit one of the islands this weekend so that should be lots of fun! THE Amy Rice is coming to visit next weekend...can't wait!! :)
Have a great weekend! Miss you all! :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I'm A Working Girl Now!!!
I'm officially done with my first two day of teaching at ILS!! Whoo hoo! It's been great so far and I'm really loving it. The kids are just so precious! I love it!
I'm teaching 2-3 classes a day this week but that'll go up after next week when Greg (the teacher I'm replacing) leaves. I think I'll have 6-7 classes then. This is definitely a good way to start though...not too overwhelming. All the people at work are really helpful and so nice, so it's been great so far!
This morning, our boss took Kami and me to the hospital to get our health check done so we can get our immigration cards and be citizens of Tongyeong. Everything was so easy there...they just took did basic stuff (height, weight, sight, hearing) and then we had to get a chest x-ray and give a urine and blood sample. Nothing hard about it. Good thing for us! :)
We're into Kami's apartment now, and when Greg leaves next Monday, I will move into his apartment and we can both get all settled. It's nice to be closer to our school and more centrally located in the city.
I hope you all are doing well!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Exploring Tongyeong City
Yesterday was a good day. I went walking around in the morning to explore and just try to get my bearings a little more. I continued to be amazed with how beautiful it is here. Here is a picture of Tongyeong City looking over from the island. You might thing that is a mountain range in the distance, but really it is just a bunch of islands out there...kinda crazy.
Right out of our hotel, you can see an island that is not even a quarter of a mile away. It's where we had dinner the other night with our boss' family. While I was walking, I found an undersea tunnel that took me to the island. Tongyeong City is a big tourist place for Koreans, so there were a bunch of people in the tunnel and touring around. I'd like to say I blended in with the tourists, but that would be a lie. I was still the only non-Korean walking around in the tunnel. Ha.
This is one of the two bridges that connects Tongyeong City to the island. I've seen pictures of it at night and it's really pretty. Here is my attempt at using the timer on my camera since I couldn't ask the Koreans to take a picture of me!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Day in Pictures!
Dinner was amazing. Our bosses took us to a traditional Korean restaurant and we got to have a truly cultural experience. It was so great! It started with leaving our shoes at the door (typical here at homes too) and sitting "indian style" at a table resembling a coffee table. Then they brought out about 20 bowls of was insane. In the middle of the table, they put a bar-b-que type thing so you can cook your meet while you eat. We had pork for our meet and it was yummy!
I was finally taught how to use my first Korean goal has been accomplished! Whoo-hoo! There were tons of things to try and I tried most of them...not the spicy ones...but most of the other ones. So good, some not so good, but all worth the try to experience it!
Here with our bosses, Ryan and Sara, and their daughter Ruby.
That concludes my day. I'm tired now...still adjusting so I think I'll be going to bed early tonight. It was a fun day though!