Monday, December 1, 2008

Korean Hike #1

On Sunday, Kami and I set out for our first Korean hike! It was quite an adventure, let me tell you!! There is a mountain we see everyday, and a couple of days ago, our boss showed it to us from the other side and showed us a look out point that you can hike to. So I thought...hmm, why not hike there on Sunday afternoon??!! We decided it was a good plan, so I got out my handy-dandy Tongyeong map and we started the journey. Well, the map wasn't much help...because in the end, we somehow had walked complete up the mountain and around it and walked half the town. It wasn't your normal up-and-down type of climb. Ha. Here is our journey in pictures!

Close to the start of the journey, we found a tradition Korean least that is what I think it was. I forgot to upload the pics but you can see them on my photo site. Here are some pics of the fall foliage was really pretty up there. I love fall!!

Once we got to a point on the initial trail and we couldn't go up anymore, we decided to go down a different way. What a treat that was...we found a little park with a swing, so we both took advantage of that! It was quite fun!

After the park, we saw another way that looked more promising that the first way. It turned out to be a good way, and after many hours of walking and hiking and getting lost...we finally made it to the lookout point we first set out for!!! I was so excited!!! :)

Here are some more shots from atop the mountain! It was quite a view!!

After we found the lookout point, we decided to go down yet a different way than we came up. The path provided us with beautiful views and great pictures. Here are a few I captured.

After we came down the mountain, we were quite pooped after our long journey.

But have no fear...we went to Lotte Mart and I rewarded myself with the best iced vanilla latte ever!!! Kami got an ice cream. We felt it was well deserved!!

So that was Korean Hike #1!! Oh what a great one it was!! I am excited for more to come!!

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