Friday, November 14, 2008

I Survived!!

I can now say I officially survived my first week as an English teacher in South Korea!! Whoo hoo!! It's now Friday night and I'm just sitting at school waiting for Kami to get done with class so we can go home or somewhere...not really sure yet.

The first week teaching was a good one. The kids are just so adorable and they are so smart! Don't get me wrong, there are still some kids that are 'naughty' (they use that word a lot here) but overall they are just precious! This week was our intro week so we only had about three classes a day, but next week we start in full speed ahead with 6-7 classes a day! Yikes!!

I should be moving to my own apartment Monday night or Tuesday and then Kami and I can both really start getting settled into our new homes. I should have internet regularly then too so I can call some of you...don't worry, I haven't forgotten you!

I think Kami and I are going to visit one of the islands this weekend so that should be lots of fun! THE Amy Rice is coming to visit next weekend...can't wait!! :)

Have a great weekend! Miss you all! :)

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