The newest and greatest app to enter my life....Kakao Talk. This is a Korean Messaging app that can be downloaded by anyone with a smartphone or app machine (i.e. iTouch, iPad, etc.). It reminds me a lot of BBM back in my Blackberry days, but it's so much better!!
What makes Kakao Talk so great for me? I can instant message with my family and friends from back home and it's like we're texting back and forth in real time. I definitely can't afford to text internationally, but this app makes my life so much better! And of course it's free!! :)
Why is Kakao Talk better than regular texting?? Well, I already answered the main reason...I can message internationally for free. Also, Kakao talk lets you attach photos and videos into the conversation with great ease! And one of my favorite can know when the other person has read the message. This is great for me because I'm not left wondering if they got my message or not! Another great thing is that you can have group chats with multiple people and you don't have to worry about if you texted everyone or not...just do it in group chat!
So, if you have a smartphone or any kind of electronic that lets you download apps, I recommend this one!! It's amazing!!
Hello Sara,
I will be going to South Korea in November and I found your blog and decided to start reading some of your blogs about South Korea. This blog made me wonder I have an at&t smart phone and I was wondering if you took your smart phone with you? Or did you buy a phone there?
Hi Kayla--How exciting that you're coming to Korea soon!! I got my smartphone in Korea. Korea has a closed network so from my understanding, it's not possible to bring an outside phone here and hook it into their companies. You can use your phone here, but it'll be on roaming from home. It's best just to buy here! My iPhone bill is still cheaper than home...about $75USD, which includes a $16 fee for the phone each month! Hope that helps!!
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