Hello on a wonderful Sunday night. This weekend has been quite eventful and I enjoyed it all.
Saturday, Kami and I headed to a nearby island...Hansan-do...off the coast of Tongyeong. It's only about a 30-minute ferry ride from our terminal here, so Saturday morning we set off for an adventure. Oh, and was it an adventure! On our way to the island, an older man started talking to Kami and me. It turned out that he was the leader of this group that was on the ferry and headed to the island. After talking to him for most of the way there, we learned all kinds of interesting things. The group he was the leader of was a group of Vietnam vets that had been affected in some way by Agent Orange. (Kami had to educate me on what that was.) When we arrived at the island, he invited us to join his group's picnic. We dined with them (Kami and I stuck to the rice) and then went to tour the island on our own. We met back up with Mr. Lee and his crew and headed home after a bit. It was a really nice day and we enjoyed meeting new people.
Here's a picture of the view from Hansan Island. It was beautiful.
A temple on the island. From what I could tell, a major battle took place between Japan and Korea near this island. Admiral Yi, a Korean hero, was remembered throughout the island.
Our ferry for the ride home
Today was a good day too! Kami, Amie and I joined some of our Korean friends for a hike of a popular mountain in Tonyeong...Mount Mireuksan. I was really apprehensive going into it, but it proved to be wonderful. We took an easier course and I was very thankful since it was my first time on this mountain.
Here are a couple of views from the mountain.

These are a few of the lovely people we hiked with!There is a cable car that takes you up and down the mountain. We hiked up and then took the cable car down. There were tons of tourists...this is a popular place!
So that was my weekend! I'm so excited it's Spring and we can do more things! I think next weekend we're going to Busan...I'm looking forward to that! Talk soon!
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