It's been a long journey but we're definitely ready to get outta here! On Monday, Kami and I finished the last leg of our interview at the Korean Consulate in Houston. We left from Arlington that morning and took the four hour journey to Houston. After lunch at California Pizza and a trip to the Container Store, we headed to meet with Consul Mim. Kami had her interview first and then I went next. It was quite interesting. My interview lasted about 10 minutes and it was pretty much just about my educational background and why I wanted to go to Korea and all that jazz...nothing out of the ordinary. I was a little nervous because he kept writing stuff in the papers, but it's all ok because I got my Visa so I'm all set!!! :)
After the interviews, my friend from college, MaryGrace, met us at Starbuck's for a visit! I haven't seen MG since her wedding in 2006, so it was so good to get to see her!

So with less than a week until I leave the country for a year, I've got lots to do. At the current time, I'm in Abilene visiting family and friends for a few days. I'll head back to Arlington soon so I can get my bags packed once again...oh the joys! I am super excited to go and just can't wait! It's coming soon! Let the countdown begin!!