Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Co-Teaching in Korea - EPIK Elementary School

Lots of people ask me the same question when I talk about teaching English in Korea..."How can you teach them English if you don't speak Korea?" Well, the answer to that is easy...I have a co-teacher! When I worked at a hagwon a couple of years ago, my days were filled with lots of charades and picture drawing to get my point across. Not anymore!! These days at the public school, I work alongside a Korean co-teacher who can easy let the students know just what I'm talking about. I love it! And I'd definitely say it's a perk to working at a public school (vs. hagwon).

A couple of weeks ago, one of my co-teachers (Minie) and I did a video class together. The video was posted on our school website and now I'm sharing it with you! You can click here to get a glimpse of what it's like teaching in Korean public elementary schools.

And to keep this blog from looking too boring, here are a couple pictures I snapped on my cell phone today between classes! These kids make me happy!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I just found the video of my open class. I'm still not sure if I'm ready to post it. It's pretty bad, IMO-- I can't believe they thought it was so good.