Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Love Together!

"Love together!!" When I asked the high school girls that I would be teaching for the next three weeks what rule we should add to our list, the class captain said, "Love together!" It became our motto over the course of the next three weeks, as we not only learned about English, but also about life in general!

I got a call a few months ago, asking if I wanted to work this high school camp. But since I knew Kami's second week here would be my first week of camp, I tried to refuse the offer. With the other public school teachers' vacations already scheduled and the lack of available teachers, I had no choice.

So on we went...Christina, Lloyd, Danielle, and me...walking into a school where we had no idea what to expect and no idea what would happen while we were there.

I can only speak for myself, but I must say, this experience definitely ranks among the top in my teaching experiences. It was so amazing to teach these girls! On the first day of class, I walked in the room and the cheered for me! I knew from there, it was going to be a fun class! The girls continually surprised and amazed me.

Here are a few pictures from our time together!

The first day of class! Love together!

We did a lesson on beauty around the world and I wanted the girls to know beautiful they are!

I liked teaching the class in a discussion-style setting. These girls have a great deal of knowledge of the English language, so it was just important for me to get them speaking and using that knowledge.

On our final day of camp, we had a party! It was a lot of fun!

And they decorated the board! It was precious!

All the wonderful ladies!!

They gave me this paper where each of them had written me a sweet letter! I'll cherish it always!

Me and sweet Amy!

For the second hour of the camp, we joined all four classes and had coke floats! They had never had them, so it was a fun treat!!

And so ended the camp at ChungRyeol Girls High School. The camp may be over, but my heart is still happy!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kakao Talk

The newest and greatest app to enter my life....Kakao Talk. This is a Korean Messaging app that can be downloaded by anyone with a smartphone or app machine (i.e. iTouch, iPad, etc.). It reminds me a lot of BBM back in my Blackberry days, but it's so much better!!

What makes Kakao Talk so great for me? I can instant message with my family and friends from back home and it's like we're texting back and forth in real time. I definitely can't afford to text internationally, but this app makes my life so much better! And of course it's free!! :)

Why is Kakao Talk better than regular texting?? Well, I already answered the main reason...I can message internationally for free. Also, Kakao talk lets you attach photos and videos into the conversation with great ease! And one of my favorite features...you can know when the other person has read the message. This is great for me because I'm not left wondering if they got my message or not! Another great thing is that you can have group chats with multiple people and you don't have to worry about if you texted everyone or not...just do it in group chat!

So, if you have a smartphone or any kind of electronic that lets you download apps, I recommend this one!! It's amazing!!